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Engineering consultants
Head Office
Level 6-7, 40 Mount Street, North Sydney, New South Wales 2060, Australia
SMEC Holdings Ltd (formerly Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation) is an Australia-based engineering consulting firm founded in 1970.
Involved in projects over 80 countries, it was acquired in 2016 by the Singapore government-owned urban and infrastructure consultancy firm Surbana Jurong.
SMEC established a permanent office in Yangon in 2015, and on its website is described as “a key player in Myanmar’s Hydropower and Energy Sector.” In 2015, SMEC carried out an ESIA for the planned 7,000 MW Mong Ton dam on the Salween in southern Shan State, and in 2016, carried out ESIAs for the planned 1,200 MW Naung Pha dam on the Salween in northern Shan State, and the nearby 225 MW Mantong dam on the Nam Ma tributary of the Salween.