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Head Office
No.(E-1-11), Ngu-Shwe-Wah street between 64-65 street, Chan Mya Tharsi township, Mandalay
Natural Current Energy Hydropower Co. Ltd. (NCEH), set up in 2013, describes its mission as “to develop, build, own and operate hydropower projects”. On April 29, 2022, NCEH signed an agreement with the SAC regime’s Ministry of Electricity and Energy to build the 210 MW Namtu (Hsipaw) dam on the Namtu (Myitnge) river.
NCEH is owned by the United Wa State Army (UWSA), and run by Sai Philip Yee aka U Nay Win Kyaw (commonly known as Law San or Ahlu Kor), former managing director of Taw Tar Win Gems & Jewelry (a UWSA-owned jade mining company). U Arr Sam, Philip Yee’s deputy manager in Taw Tar Win Gems & Jewelry, is listed as an NCEH director on the DICA website.
NCEH is closely linked to Than Taw Myat Co. and Arr Thit Man Co. (which produce Double Rhinos Cement), as well as Shwe Oak Khai Construction Co. and Shwe Oak Khai Mining Co.